Welcome to ABTiP

Advancing Black Talent in Pharma

We exist to support the development and growth of Black Talent in the Canadian pharmaceutical/life sciences industry. Enhancing talent diversity and achieving sustainable Black representation is our ambition.

Our Promise

ABTiP will work tirelessly to raise awareness about the systemic biases and challenges faced by emerging Black Professionals in Pharma and Life Sciences. By removing barriers to Black Talent’s full potential, ABTiP will become a resource and catalyst for change in our sector.

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In all of our mentorships, coaching, networking, programs, and initiatives, we aim to enhance individual development.

It is our commitment to help our members achieve their career aspirations in the Canadian pharmaceutical and life sciences sector.

What our members say about us

“As a student aspiring to enter the pharmaceutical industry, I am always seeking ways to cultivate my personal network and learn how I can do better. The leaders of the workshop detailed various strategies on how to effectively express one’s interests, guide a conversation and demonstrate appreciation when networking. As a participant, I particularly valued the opportunity to network with other attendees and put what was learned during the workshop into practice. It was a highly informative workshop session and I look forward to attending future events hosted by ABTiP.”

Amanda Larosa
PhD Candidate in Neuroscience at McGill University



"ABTiP provides a collective voice on the opportunities, as well as the barriers and unconscious biases that need to be broken down to ensure we are attracting, developing, and advancing Black talent to be fully represented and succeed in our industry.”

Jackie Hardwick
Director, Strategy and Operations
Eli Lilly Canada

“The ABTiP event was excellent. Not only did I get the opportunity to connect with great people, but also practical and helpful tips on how to network effectively. Now networking is off my list of dreaded things that I have to do and is now among the things that I want to do. This was time well spent. I am certainly looking forward to the next event.”

Dwight Bryan
President & Principal Consultant | The Bryan Consortium Inc.

“I learned that there is great, diverse talent available in the market if you are willing to invest time to look for it. Historic/traditional barriers exist for many segments of the population for career advancement and if you use traditional approaches to finding talent, you are not going to be as successful as you could be.”

Andy Williams
Vice President, Immunology
Janssen Canada